SIMIN HABIBIAN has collected 1001 of the most well known Persian proverbs and has found the equivalent or similar of each in English. She has also included a literal translation of each proverb in English, to help the reader and so that the cultural similarities and differences can be seen.
In addition, 1001 Persian-English Proverbs includes 111 more proverbs illustrated. The reader can guess which proverb it refers to. An answer key in the back tells the reader which proverb the illustration represents.
The book is suited for those learning Persian (Farsi) and for second generation Iranian-Americans who wish to further expand their understanding of their mother language and culture. The reader who does not read or speak Persian will find it a pleasant read.
Simin Habibian is a graduate of the College of Translation and the Institut Francais in Tehran. After leaving Iran in 1981, she began teaching Persian to young Iranians at the Iran-American Friendship Foundation in the Washington, DC area, where she found proverbs to be an effective teaching tool. Simin has a deep interest in languages, cultures and social activities and writing and has been active in those areas. Simin spends her free time doing arts and crafts and writes for Persian language papers. She lives in Maryland with her husband, Taghi. You may contact Simin at:
Product Details
Author Habibian, Simin
Title 1001 Persian English Proverbs
Binding Softcover
Language English & Persian
Pages 286
Trim 6 x 9 inches
Publisher Bethesda, Maryland Ibex Publishers
ISBN 1588140210 / 9781588140210
1001 Persian English Proverbs
- Product Code: 9781588140210
- Availability: Pre-Order
AUD 47.30
- Ex Tax: AUD 43.00
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